0.8 Progress

Evidently, the 0.8 update for Sage did not release in August as planned. A lot of life stuff got in the way, but the update is almost complete. Rather than focus on quests for this update, I decided to overhaul the magic system. Using sage normally will now only affect the player character. In order to use ranged magic, you must enchant a stick or staff at an alchemy tower. Once equipped, the enchanted item will allow you to target enemies with the right mouse button. Version 0.8 of the game will include seven sage effects, and fourteen ranged spells. Ranged magic, just like before, is available to all classes. As for the main quest and side quest overhaul, there are a lot of features I forgot to add to my development roadmap that I recently thought of. Most of 0.8 has been spent adding these features, and as a result, this overhaul has been pushed farther down the roadmap. As you can see, two of the other new features for 0.8 are a proper heightmap-based terrain, and a sky gradient that renders outside your field of vision and updates with the time of day. There are quite a few other exciting new things in store for the next update, but I figured I'd leave those a surprise. The game is now really in the final stretch. The 0.9 update should just about bring the game to feature completion, while 1.0 is spent on polish, content, and variety. Hopefully things will go a bit faster from here on out, but I have a feeling that these three final milestones will be far more time-consuming and challenging than expected. Thanks again to all of you who have supported the game so far, and I hope you'll enjoy this next update when it releases!


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